Rotary vs Coil Tattoo Machines

Rotary vs Coil Tattoo Machines: Pros, Cons & The Winner

The tattooing process involves using various machines, including coil and rotary machines. Both devices have different features and functionality. As an artist, you need to know the main differences between rotary and coil tattoo machines to decide which one is the best option.

When it comes to their main features and benefits, rotary tattoo pens are lightweight, beginner friendly, and produce minimum vibration. At the same time, tattoo guns are more powerful, easier to repair, and also more budget-friendly.

However, there are some drawbacks to both of these machines. Therefore, it’s important to know about them before making a purchase. Keep reading this article to discover which tattoo equipment is best suited for you after reviewing the pros and cons of each machine. 

Rotary Vs. Coil Tattoo Machines: Complete Overview

Operational Differences (Way Both Machines Operate)

Both tattoo machines work to give the same results, including unique and attractive tattoo designs. However, the difference between them is the way the needle is moved in the machine.

Coil Machines: A coil tattoo gun contains coils that work by using electromagnetic current. By charging the loop, the armature gets down, causing the tattoo needle to go into the skin. In this way, the connection between the contact screw and the front springs cuts down. As the process is cyclic, the rear spring restores the connection between the contact screw and the front spring.

By doing so, the needle comes out, and the procedure repeats. Also, the coil tattoo machine does not contain only two coils. Some have two or more, while others may have a single. Tattooing experts prefer this machine for easy shading. However, it is not suggested for beginners and inexperienced tattoo artists.

Rotary Machines: A rotary tattoo machine works gently and consists of a small motor. The motor is attached to the needle and moves it up and down to puncture the skin and inject the tattoo ink. This tool is quite gentle and can be used easily by artists. This equipment also comes in varieties like loop machines. Many professionals use it to ease their hands and prevent them from cramping. This tool works best to get intricate lines but only works well if we use large needles.

Vibration And Noise Output

The production of noise by the tattooing device can cause a disturbance, so most tattoo artists prefer using a device with no sound or that produces minimum. The coil and rotary machine equipment differ significantly in vibration and noise output. A coil gun creates a buzzing sound when in use. Artists and clients usually dislike this sound as it can be distracting.

Furthermore, the machine’s vibration can cause the artist’s fingers and hands to shake, potentially hindering their ability to create unique style ink designs. The best rotary tattoo machine is free of noise because it doesn’t rely on electromagnetic current. The Rotary tattooing tool operates extremely quietly, which allows the artist to work peacefully.

Weight They Hold

The presence of coil and iron rods in the coil tattoo instrument makes it heavier than the rotary tattoo tool. If the artist is working on large ink art or working for a long time, the heavy machine can cause tiring of hands. Sometimes, using heavy art tools for a long time can also lead to cramping.

Wireless rotary tattoo machines can be the best option for coping with this problem. They are much lighter in weight and work by using a motor. Due to its lightweight design, the artist can use it for a long time in a single sitting. It also allows the tattooist to work on large tattoos without getting tired.

The Quality Motion Of The Needle

During the tattooing process, tattoo ink is inserted into the skin by the up and down motion of the needle. The smooth and continuous motion of the tool produces better results. So, the quality of the needle’s motion is necessary to get the best tattoo design. Coil machines involve the cyclic breaking and restoring of the circuit with the help of electromagnetic current.

This operation allows the needle grouping to move up or down. So, the machine does not run continuously and stops when the circuit cuts off. The small motor in the rotatory machine runs continuously and produces a good-quality motion. The tattoo needle’s smooth up-and-down movement may cause less damage to the skin.

Versatility In Tattooing Operation

Both of these tattoo machines also differ in their versatility. Generally, professionals use coil machines for intricate lining. The coil machines work well to create fine lines, but they struggle to achieve perfect shading results. For perfect shading, an artist must have a rotatory machine.

Furthermore, with advancements in technology, rotary tattoo machines have become versatile. They are capable of lining in the same way as coil machines. Both of these tools can be used for various lining and shading techniques. You simply need to change the needles to achieve different effects. Also, many of the good rotary tattoo machines are precisely perfect for lining work.

Bottom Line: Rotary Or Coil Tattoo Machines

While comparing both of these machines, we have found many differences between them. The coil tattoo machines are efficient for smooth lining and can be maintained easily, yet the rotary machines are easy to use and lightweight. The rotary machines are hushed in their operation, but the coil guns produces a buzzing sound, which can be annoying.

Also, coil tattoo machines need to improve the quality of the needles’ motion. In contrast, the rotary model machine can perform better motion. These key differences suggest that it’s totally up to the tattoo artists to decide which tattoo machine works well for them. So, before purchasing any tattooing equipment, research the differences and decide which tattoo machine you should buy.


Does a rotary tattoo machine hurt less?

 Although, the tattooing tool has nothing to do with the pain caused by the tattooing process. The only thing is that a rotary machine provides more consistent and smoother motion control, reducing friction and tugging on the skin. Further, it is lightweight, making it easy to hold for extended periods without causing strain on the wrist.

What are the pros of coil machines?

A coil tool is worth using if you are fully aware of how to use it. We can use it to make customized art designs. Also, it can produce perfect intricate linings, and maintenance is much easier than rotatory equipment.

Do artists still use coil machines?

A coil tattoo machine is more complicated than a rotating device, but many artists still use it in the tattooing process for smooth lines and easy maintenance.

Ava Sinclair

Meet Ava Sinclair, a tattoo artist and writer at With 7 years of experience, Ava loves tattoos and loves sharing her knowledge. She writes helpful articles about tattoos, from cool designs to how to take care of them. She also guides you on finding the right tattoo machine and explains the cost of getting a tattoo. Let’s create something meaningful together

Ava Sinclair

Meet Ava Sinclair, a tattoo artist and writer at With 7 years of experience, Ava loves tattoos and loves sharing her knowledge. She writes helpful articles about tattoos, from cool designs to how to take care of them. She also guides you on finding the right tattoo machine and explains the cost of getting a tattoo. Let’s create something meaningful together