How to Sleep With a New Tattoo

How to Sleep With a New Tattoo: Sleep Tips for Tattoos

People often believe that enduring pain during the tattoo process is the hardest part. However, the real challenge comes after getting the tattoo, such as during the aftercare period. And if you do not care well, it can lead to several issues.  For example, sleeping on fresh tattoos can cause discomfort and potential distortion of the pigment. 

Also, there is a chance of ink sticking on bed sheets, which can affect both the design’s appearance and the cleanliness of the linens. Therefore, when sleeping with a new tattoo, you need to take care of it to minimize any complications.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Minimize Pressure: Avoid sleeping directly on the tattooed area.
  2. Soft Bedding: Use a soft pillowcase and loose-fitting pajamas to reduce friction.
  3. Resist Itching: Scratching can irritate the new artwork and disrupt healing.
  4. Positioning: Choose a sleep position that minimizes contact with the tattoo.
  5. Keep Pets Away: Pet claws or fur can irritate the healing skin.
  6. Cleanliness: Maintain proper hygiene by gently cleaning the tattoo as instructed by your artist.
  7. Restful Sleep: Avoid alcohol and caffeine before bed for a good night’s sleep, which promotes healing.
  8. Ditch the Plastic: Skip the plastic wrap – it can trap moisture and hinder healing.

How To Sleep With A New Tattoo – Do and Don’t

To sleep with a fresh tattooed area, follow these tips. They will not only help you have good sleep but also avoid any complications, thus promoting fast healing.

1 Don’t Place Undue Pressure On Your Tattoo

Generally, tattoo artists recommend being extra careful after getting new tattoos until they heal completely. As a fresh tattooed skin is an open wound, even a tiny amount of pressure can ruin the design and increase the risk of infection. 

Moreover, putting pressure on tattooed skin while sleeping can hinder healing and prolong recovery. For example, if you have a tattoo on your arm, avoid sleeping on that side. This can help prevent unnecessary pressure on the tattooed area, ensuring the healing process goes smoothly. 

2 Use A Clean and Soft Pillowcase

 Using a soft pillow to protect your new artwork from pressure is a great way. A soft pillow distributes your body weight evenly, providing comfortable relief to the arm and preventing swelling. A soft pillow is a supportive resting function when you sleep with a new tattoo. Moreover, it also reduces friction between your skin and the pillowcase, unlike a hard pillow that can lead to scrubbing and scratching the tattoo.

3 Wear Loose Clothing

Loose clothing can protect the tattooed area from itching, pressure, irritation, and swelling. It allows the skin to breathe and air to circulate the tattoo, keeping it dry and aiding in healing. This also prevents bacteria and other germs from entering the tattoo and reduces pain and discomfort. However, it is essential to remember that loose, breathable, and comfortable clothing should be worn during the first few weeks after getting a tattoo.

4 Avoid Scratching Or Picking At The Tattoo While Sleeping

It is normal to experience itching after getting a new artwork. However, scratching or bruising the area can ruin the design and can also lead to a dangerous infection on tattooed skin. We often accidentally scratch tattoos in our sleep, which can lead to these issues.

To avoid scratching while sleeping with a fresh design, keep the application area clean and dry. Wash your hands frequently and keep them sterile. Apply a cold cream or lotion specifically good for tattooed skin when going to sleep to prevent irritation and scratching. Again, do not scratch the tattoo; it will naturally peel off over time.

5 Choose The Right Sleeping Position

The right position is crucial when sleeping to prevent damage and promote the healing of new tattoos. Try to sleep on the opposite side of the fresh tattooed skin to avoid pressure and friction that can irritate the area. For example, if you’ve got a tattoo on your back, try to sleep on your side or stomach, as it will reduce friction and promote cohesion. 

6 Keep Pets Away While Sleeping

Please stay away from your pets and avoid sleeping with them for a few days after getting a tattoo. If they accidentally scratch or brush against the tattooed skin, it could cause harm. Additionally, pets may carry certain germs that can lead to infection in the tattoo wound. Therefore, being cautious around your pets is essential until the tattooed skin is fully healed.

7 Keep Your Tattoo Clean

 Keep your tattooed skin completely safe by keeping it clean and free from dust, dirt, water, and moisturizing. For this, only use the moisturizer recommended by the tattoo artist. Because other types of moisture can react with the tattoo and cause a sore or another harmful allergy, it is essential always to keep your ink design dry and clean.

8 Limit Caffeine And Alcohol Intake Before Sleeping 

  Excessive use of caffeine and alcohol disturbs your sleep. Both alcohol and caffeine are harmful in terms of causing inflammation. Alcohol consumption can also thin the blood. As a result, blood thinning can hinder bleeding from the tattoo, which slows down the tattoo’s healing process. So, it’s essential to limit both alcohol and caffeine consumption before going to bed with a fresh tattoo. 

9 Avoid Using Plastic Wrap Or Bandages

  Using plastic wrap can create moisture around the new artwork, which can be very helpful for bacteria to grow. Also, plastic wrapping can cause allergies, swelling, and skin irritation. If you have an ink design on an area in constant motion, such as the elbow, plastic wrapping can rub on those areas, leading to further irritation. 

Moreover, if the plastic wrap is too tight, it can cause skin irritation, and oxygen passage through it can also be challenging. Therefore, it is crucial to be cautious and avoid using plastic wrapping before bed to promote quick healing of your tattooed skin.


Should I cover my tattoo before I sleep?

Avoid covering up the first night after getting a tattoo because covering too long creates moisture, providing a favorable environment for germs. But if you are worried about the tattoo getting damaged, you can use medical-grade adhesive bandages and protective tattoo items like Saniderm or Tegaderm before sleep.

Do tattoos heal faster when you sleep?

 Restful sleep is essential for the healing process. And when you sleep, new white blood cells in your body are produced in large numbers to defend against bacteria and other germs. On the other hand, if you don’t get enough restful sleep, your immune system does not function properly. Therefore, optimal sleep helps in the healing process.

Should I moisturize my tattoo overnight?

 Most professional tattoo artists recommend moisturizing the tattoo only once every 24 to 48 hours. Use only the ointment recommended by your artist. If you have skin allergies or experience irritation, the lotion will help alleviate discomfort and promote better sleep.

How do you keep a tattoo moist while sleeping?

Moisturize the new tattoo to protect it from itching and scratching. Apply a thin layer of lotion specially formulated to moisturize the tattooed skin. Also, wrap it with a medically approved bandage such as Saniderm. Be sure to keep your tattoo clean and dry after moisturizing, for which you can use a fan or soft towel.

Should I put Vaseline on my tattoo before bed?

No, using Vaseline on a tattoo can lead to infection. Vaseline makes it difficult for oxygen and air to pass through the skin. Also, it contains ingredients that are gentler and more moisturizing. Thus, it is common for bacteria to grow in such areas.


Restful sleep is really necessary for the healing process. And when you sleep, new white blood cells in your body are produced in large numbers to defend against bacteria and other germs. However, it can be pretty challenging to sleep with a new tattoo. However, by following the tips mentioned above, you can easily sleep without disturbing your ink design.

Evelyn Grace

Evelyn Grace

Evelyn Grace ✍️ Tattoo artist & writer @ Specializes in black & grey tattoos. Creates timeless designs with clients to craft meaningful pieces. Ask me anything!

Evelyn Grace

Evelyn Grace

Evelyn Grace ✍️ Tattoo artist & writer @ Specializes in black & grey tattoos. Creates timeless designs with clients to craft meaningful pieces. Ask me anything!