How To Remove Temporary Tattoos

How To Remove Temporary Tattoos Safely & Effectively

Temporary tattoos are an excellent idea for those who do not want to get permanent ink designs on their body. These designs are perfect for special events, gatherings, or costume parties and are even much better than a permanent tattoo. Usually, these fake tattoos only last for a while and fade soon. 

But sometimes, it can be challenging and take time to remove a temporary tattoo. In such cases, knowing how to remove a temporary tattoo is essential. There are several working and simple methods to remove fake tattoos quickly. For example, you can use nail polish, makeup, cold cream, lemon, baby oil, rubbing alcohol, and exfoliating the skin. These are simple techniques that you can quickly try at home. Want to know complete details about these methods? keep reading.

Step-by-Step Guide to Remove a Temporary Tattoo

Use Nail Polish Remover

Using nail polish remover is the simple and easy way to remove temporary tattoos. Nail polish contains an Acetone agent that works excellently as removal. Acetone not only works as a nail polish remover, but it also quickly takes off the pigment of non-permanent ink. To apply this method, take a piece of soft cotton and then dip it into it. Then, rub it over the tattooed area until the ink vanishes completely.

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By Using Makeup Remover

A makeup remover is also efficient for removing temporary tattoos. The ingredients in the remover help reduce the intensity of the pigment or fade a tattoo quickly. To use this method, apply makeup remover to tattooed skin. Then, rub the tattooed area gently. When you see that the color of the art reduces, wash it with water.

Exfoliate The Skin To Take Off. Take Ink Design

Using a body scrub is another easy way to take off fake tattoos. Usually, a scrub is used for skin exfoliation. The temporary body artwork can be removed by gently rubbing a scrub on the tattoo for about a minute. You can get an exfoliating scrub from a local market or make it at home yourself. 

The main ingredients of the homemade scrub are oil and sugar. Together, these ingredients are mainly used for temporary ink removal. A scrub works to break the pigment of the art design. The exfoliator removes the dead cells of the dermis. After scrubbing, wash the tattooed area with a good soap and then apply a lotion.

Use Cold Cream

For makeup removal, people usually use cold creams. Another use of these creams is to get temporary tattoos off. Apply cold cream on the tattooing area and wait until it is completely absorbed in the skin. Then, rub the design using a soft cloth. Rubbing will cause the tattoo ink structure to break down. After that, wash the area with water.

Remove Through Lemon 

Lemon is another product that can help to reduce pigment intensity. The citric acid in lemon makes it a great agent for removing temp ink. Citric acid causes the removal of the ink. Mix lemon juice with common salt. When you apply it on the inked area, it will fade the pigment color and also make the skin surface smooth.

Try To Use Baby Oil 

Baby oil has multiple benefits. You can use it as a baby skin massager and makeup remover. Also, Baby oil is effective in quickly pulling out fake body art. Baby oil is a commonly used product and is available easily. But surprisingly, you can also use baby oil to remove body artwork. 

Apply baby oil on the inked area with the help of cotton. And now, wait for a few minutes. After the oil has penetrated the skin, vigorously rub the skin’s surface with a tissue to remove the ink. You can also use coconut oil for this purpose.

Rubbing Alcohol

We use alcohol in households mainly as a hand disinfectant. But rubbing alcohol is the simplest way to remove a temporary tattoo. It can effectively break up a pigment. Take some cotton and make it a small ball, then dip it in rubbing alcohol. Rub the cotton ball over the tattoo. Although the process is safe, applying alcohol to sensitive skin with cuts may cause pain. So, try to avoid its use on sensitive skin.

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Because by nature, temp ink design has a concise life span. But sometimes removing them can be difficult if you don’t know the correct procedure. There are several home-based methods to get temporary tattoos off. Among them, using baby oil, nail polish remover, cold cream, and rubbing alcohol is the most common. These products are safe to use and readily available. You can try them to wipe out the ink design. 


What is the simplest way to remove fake tattoos at home?

A simple and easiest way to remove non-permanent tattoos at home is to use rubbing alcohol. Dip a piece of cotton ball in alcohol and apply it over the needed area. It is safe, but don’t use it over a sensitive or wounded area.

How do I get fake kid tattoos off?

To remove kids’ body art, coconut or baby oil is suggested. As children’s skin is more sensitive, you should avoid rubbing alcohol or other chemical-based products.

Does acetone remove non-permanent tattoos?

Yes, acetone is effective for temporary body art removal. It can also dissolve other substances and is a constituent of nail polish remover.

How expensive is a temporary tattoo?

Temporary ink designs are not very expensive compared to permanent tattoos. These tattoos usually cost around $5 to $15.

Evelyn Grace

Evelyn Grace

Evelyn Grace ✍️ Tattoo artist & writer @ Specializes in black & grey tattoos. Creates timeless designs with clients to craft meaningful pieces. Ask me anything!

Evelyn Grace

Evelyn Grace

Evelyn Grace ✍️ Tattoo artist & writer @ Specializes in black & grey tattoos. Creates timeless designs with clients to craft meaningful pieces. Ask me anything!