How Much Is A Spine Tattoo?

How Much Is A Spine Tattoo?

Tattoos are fun and trendy things. People are crazy about having it in different parts. Out of all, the spine is the most delicate part and the best place for females to get a tattoo. Even after getting an ink design, you can forget that you had a tattoo there.

However, before getting a tattoo on your spine area, one question that often pops up is how much is a spine tattoo cost? While the answer to this question depends on different factors, such as the tattoo artist’s pay rate, the location of the studio, and design’s complexity.

However, on average, a spine tattoo with basic to few details can cost you between $82 and $330. On other hand, more intricate and complex designs that include multiple colors and require hours of effort and hard work, the cost will range between $742 and $1000.

Furthermore, if you’re considering to get an ink design on your spine area, continue reading to discover more about the cost of spine tattoos. And also I will share pricing for five different spine tattoo designs, along with examples.

How Much Is A Spine Tattoo? A Details Answer

As mentioned above, the price of a spine tattoo depends on several different factors. These factors usually include tattoo placement, size details, complexity of design, tattoo shop location, and the experience of the artist.

Let’s understand this with a few examples: An experienced tattoo artist can charge around $82 for a small-sized (5cm) colorful spine tattoo with basic details. On the other hand, a 10 cm-sized colorful spine ink design with additional details could cost around $330. Moving up in size, a larger tattoo (20cm) with intricate detailing might come to a cost of $742. For a larger size, complex and colorful tattoo design, the price could be around $1000.

However, these prices are just rough estimates, and your tattoo artist can confirm actual spine tattoos cost. And you can confirm the actual cost before booking a tattoo appointment by contacting the artist. In short, it all depends on how easy the design is and the time it will take.

Spine Tattoo

Things That Impact On Price Of A Spine Tattoo

The cost of this body design depends on the same factors as a regular tattoo would rely on. The primary aspect is the style and design you choose. Tattoos that require more time and effort will be more expensive, while a smaller tattoo design will cost less. Other factors include the studio’s location where you’re getting the body artwork and the artist’s pay rate.

Prices Of Different Spine Tattoo Designs

How Much Is A Dragon Spine Tattoo? 

A dragon tattoo is one of the trendy tattoo designs. It is a symbol of supernatural powers, primarily in Chinese and Japanese. However, its meaning can be different from region to region.The best thing is that dragon tattoos are full of colors at the time; they don’t have only one but entire colors, increasing the beauty.

The cost will vary depending on size, the number of details it has, the location, and the tattoo artist. The most detailed tattoos, covering almost half or full area of spine, can cost around $1,400, but smaller dragon tattoos with minimum details will cost between $200 to $800. However, most expert tattoo artists usually charge around $500 as a minimum and $1,400 maximum.

Cost Of Full Spine Tattoo

A basic spine tattoo with few details will cost at least $330, but a more intricate design, such as a phoenix, might push the price to $1,500 or more. However, a whole spine tattoo will cause great discomfort, so think twice before having one there. Due to the intense pain it may cause, the procedure can become insurmountable, and you’d end up wasting your money.

Price Of A Colored Spine Tattoo

A higher fee is expected if you opt for a design using colored ink. The artist will need to use additional tattoo ink and pay more attention to the details when creating a tat with multiple colors. So, choosing to have a spine tattoo with colors will ultimately result in an increased cost. Typically, a color tattoo of a large size with intricate details will cost between $742 to $1000 or more.

This is because of the money and time required to create the desired result and the large quantity of ink needed. So if you’ve decided to get a colored spine ink design, get ready to pay more money. Therefore, if you’re considering a colorful design for your spine tattoo, be prepared for a higher cost.

Cost Of Black Spine Ink Design

A black spine ink design is a popular option for those looking to have a tattoo along their spine. If you’ve always wanted a tattoo on your spine, the black ink style design is the way to go. Since there aren’t many specifically designed colors, they ensure that the tattoo is aligned with the spine. Your choice of design will vary based on the size of the ink design; a black spine tattoo may cost anywhere from $400 to $750 on average.

Cost Of Snake Spine Tattoos

Snake tattoo design is one of the most popular tattoo ideas for females. There are several reasons why as a female, you should consider getting one. For example, it symbolizes transformation, rebirth, wisdom, and inner strength. Typically, a small to medium-sized snake tattoo design can cost between $200 to $350, while a larger ink design will cost between $700 to $800.

Considerations For Those Planning A Spine Tattoo

Whether you have prior experience with getting new tattoos or if getting a body art design is your first time, it is essential always to come prepared. Tattoos are unique experiences that should evolve with time. Pain levels associated with tattoo ink design are likewise one of a kind. There is widespread agreement that injuries to the spine may have far-reaching consequences.

Knowing the dangers, suffering, etc., associated with obtaining a spine design is essential. Tattoo aftercare is just as crucial as pre-treatment planning. While the tattoo is healing, please take precautions to prevent the spread of infection.

Do Spine Tattoos Cause Any Pain?

Everybody can withstand pain, although tattoos often hurt more in areas with less subcutaneous fat.The spinal column, fortunately, meets all of the requirements. The fact that it also contains the neurological system makes experiencing pain unavoidable. If you were to ask some individuals to rate the level of pain on a scale from 1 to 10, they might describe it as a steady 4. This indicates that while it is certainly unpleasant, it doesn’t rank as the most excruciating agony one could endure.

However, this means your artist needs to work more efficiently for you. Fortunately, this is achievable, largely owing to the simple nature of spine tattoo design. However, if the task is more complex, you might need to reduce the allocated time. Many individuals liken the feeling of discomfort to that of getting a new tattoo on their spine.

How Long Do Spine Tattoos Take To Get Design?

When it comes to size and intricacy, they are all over the map. The more extensive the tattoo, the more time it will take to finish. Getting a little tattoo, for example, may be done in less than an hour; however, the time required can vary based on the complexity of the design.

On the other hand, large tattoos might take up to 8 hours to complete. And your artist may advise breaking it up into many sessions to alleviate the discomfort and overcome any obstacles. If the tattooing is causing you a great deal of distress, you should listen to the suggestion. Alternatively, try it if you believe you can manage everything. All you have to do is get ready for it more thoroughly.


Here are the article ends; now you have enough knowledge of how much does a spine tattoo cost? Spine tattoos are about bearing pain and investing a lot of money. Since the spine is a delicate part of the body, you will feel more pain than other parts. More than that, you will need to take some tests there too in the future, such as lumbar. So, if you are ready to give high money and bear the pain, go for the spine tattoo.


Can I wear a bra after a spine tattoo?

It is not recommended to wear tight clothing, including bras, for the first few days. And this will allow the skin to breathe and reduce irritation. However, if it’s too necessary, you can wear a bra.

Will my spine tattoo move if I lose weight?

Yes, the placement of your spine tattoo may shift slightly if your weight loss occurs significantly. But it should not dramatically affect the overall appearance of the tattoo design.

Can I work out after a spine tattoo?

Generally, it is not recommended to start a workout at least 48 hours after getting a tattoo. And it would be best if you waited for the tattoo to fully heal to avoid any irritation or damage to the area. Also, it’s necessary to wrap the tattoo and also use Aquaphor on the new ink design.

Is a spine tattoo an excellent first tattoo?

For some people, this body ink design can be a great first tattoo because this type of body artwork is both meaningful and visually stunning. However, it is important to consider the pain level and healing time associated with getting a new ink design on the spine area. 

Evelyn Grace

Evelyn Grace

Evelyn Grace ✍️ Tattoo artist & writer @ Specializes in black & grey tattoos. Creates timeless designs with clients to craft meaningful pieces. Ask me anything!

Evelyn Grace

Evelyn Grace

Evelyn Grace ✍️ Tattoo artist & writer @ Specializes in black & grey tattoos. Creates timeless designs with clients to craft meaningful pieces. Ask me anything!