How Much Do You Tip a Tattoo Artist?

How Much Do You Tip a Tattoo Artist?

When budgeting for your new tattoo, remember to factor in the tip for the artist. Tipping is a fantastic way to show your appreciation for their talent and the time they invest in creating your permanent piece of artwork.

Similar to restaurants and salons, tattoo studios are service-oriented businesses. Tipping your tattoo artist works the same way as tipping a waiter or beautician – it’s a way to acknowledge their expertise and thank them for their hard work.

So, How Much Should You Tip Your Tattoo Artist?

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer, but a general guideline suggests tipping around 15% to 20% of the total cost of your tattoo. For instance, if your tattoo costs $1,000, a recommended tip would be between $150 and $200 (15% to 20% of the total price).

Beyond the Percentage: Factors to Consider When Tipping

While the percentage tip is a helpful starting point, consider these additional factors when determining the final amount:

  • Quality of Work: Did the artist execute your design flawlessly? Did they exceed your expectations with intricate details or stunning shading? Exceptional work deserves a more generous tip.
  • Artist’s Skill Level: Is the artist a seasoned professional with a portfolio full of award-winning pieces? Or are they a talented newcomer building their reputation? Recognizing their experience can influence your tip amount.
  • Your Overall Satisfaction: Did the artist create a comfortable and professional environment? Were they patient with your input and adjustments? Ultimately, your overall satisfaction with the experience plays a role in tipping.

Tattoo Tipping Guide: A Breakdown by Price

Here’s a table to help you visualize tip amounts based on different tattoo pricing and percentages:

Tattoo Price10% Tip15% Tip20% Tip

Pay Tip As Tattoo Service, Not By Time

Typically, larger tattoo designs such as Viking tattoos, chest tattoos, or shoulder ink designs take longer time to complete, often requiring multiple sessions. As a result, these larger body artworks cost more than small tattoos.

 Therefore, if you tip based on a percentage, it will be more expensive. However, many experts do not recommend tipping in this manner. Instead, it is suggested that you tip based on your overall experience and the final result of the tattoo. If you are satisfied with the tattooing service, you can tip as much as you like to show appreciation.

Tip For Custom Tattoo 

Tattoos are not limited to pre-designed or ready-made designs. The true beauty of tattoo artwork lies in the fact that you can have any design you desire. For instance, you can get unique and personalized tattoo designs by working closely with a tattoo artist. Now, what about tipping when you have custom tattoos? Well, there is no need to tip separately for custom designs. The percentage mentioned above applies to both types of tattoos. 

Gift-Giving As A Tip Instead Of Cash

When it comes to tipping, it is clear that it typically involves giving cash, such as for a tattoo service. Giving cash as a tip is the best way to show appreciation for an artist’s work. However, what if you prefer to give a gift instead of money? Is this a good idea? While it’s not necessarily a bad idea, it’s important to remember that in addition to any gift, you should also provide a tip in the form of cash.

Note: Some tattoo shops also accept credit card payments, so you can include the tip amount in the total payment if you’re paying with a credit card. 

What To Do If You’re On A Budget

Giving a cash tip is the best way to appreciate an artist’s work. However, tipping is not mandatory, especially if you’re on a budget. There are other ways to show appreciation for a tattoo artist’s work. For example, by giving a sincere compliment, leaving a positive review on the artist’s social media profiles, or referring the artist to your friends interested in getting a tattoo.

Moreover, if you’re pleased with your tattoo, take a picture and share it on your social media account, tagging the artist and giving them credit.

What Should You Do If You’re Not Satisfied With A Tattoo Service?

Usually, giving a tip means you appreciate their quality work. However, leaving a tip when you’re not satisfied with the artist’s work does not make sense. In such situations, it’s important to talk to the tattoo artist in a gentle way and give them a chance to make possible changes. This approach also helps the tattooist to improve their skills.

Think About Local Culture Before Paying Tip

Tipping is a common practice in the USA as a form of appreciation. Most tattoo artists in the USA expect to accept tips after their tattooing service. Similarly, this culture of tipping is also present in Canada.

 However, in European countries like England and Northern Ireland, artists usually don’t expect tips but will accept extra money if given. The tipping percentage in these countries is typically around 5%, much lower than in the USA and Canada.

 On the other hand, in Asian countries like Japan, tipping is considered offensive or rude. However, if you feel comfortable, you can inquire about tipping customs. 


How much do you tip for a $500 tattoo?

As a general guideline, the tip for tattoo artists falls between 15% and 20% of the total cost. For example, on a $100 tattoo, a 15% tip would be $15, and a 20% tip would be $20.

Is it rude not to tip a tattoo artist?

Tipping tattoo artists is a polite and respectful way to show appreciation for their work in most countries. However, not tipping is not necessarily considered rude.


Tipping tattoo artists is common in places like the US and Canada, but how much depends on a few things. Most people tip 15% to 20% of the tattoo price, but it can be more or less.

Evelyn Grace

Evelyn Grace

Evelyn Grace ✍️ Tattoo artist & writer @ Specializes in black & grey tattoos. Creates timeless designs with clients to craft meaningful pieces. Ask me anything!

Evelyn Grace

Evelyn Grace

Evelyn Grace ✍️ Tattoo artist & writer @ Specializes in black & grey tattoos. Creates timeless designs with clients to craft meaningful pieces. Ask me anything!