How Long Does An Inkbox Tattoo Last?

How Long Does An Inkbox Tattoo Last?

Temporary tattoos offer a painless and hassle-free way to get your favorite body artwork. In just a matter of minutes, you can have your desired ink design applied. And when it comes to temporary tattoo brands, inkbox stands out at the top of the list. Its fake tattoos are semi-permanent and last longer than other brands. 

But, before proceeding, it is important to understand how long does an inkbox tattoo last?

Inkbox tattoos last between 1 to 2 weeks. They typically start fading and losing their vibrancy after a few days of applying the design, and within 2 weeks, they completely disappear. In contrast, temporary tattoo designs from other brands usually only last for 2 to 6 days.

One of the aspects I particularly like about Inbox fake tattoo designs is their water resistance features. This feature helps to protect them from sweat, which is a common cause of quick tattoo fading. However, by using ink designs from this brand, you can even take a shower without worrying about them washing off.

Important Features Of Inbox Tattoo Brand

Last Longer Than Other Brands’ Products

Most temporary tattoos available in the market typically last only a few days, usually between 2 to 6 days. However, Inbox’s products last longer beyond this range. As mentioned earlier, inkbox tattoos can last up to 2 weeks after applying them.

Easy To Use

Getting a permanent tattoo involves many hurdles, including bearing tattoo needle pain and discomfort in long sessions. Sometimes, it even causes infection and allergic reactions due to some reasons.  To avoid such troubles, fake ink designs are best. They’re as simple as purchasing and applying them to your desired body location within a matter of minutes. Tattoos from inbox brands offer greater ease of use; they take only about 2 minutes to apply. After applying your desired ink design, allow it to set for 1 hour to achieve the best results.

Totally Safe To Use 

This product does not contain any harmful ingredients that can cause damage or trigger allergic reactions. It has also undergone safety testing to ensure it is completely safe for humans. However, it is advisable to avoid applying it to certain areas of the body, such as the face, neck, or areas prone to irritation.

It Feels Like A Real 

Inbox tattoos are very realistic and authentic and feel very real when applied to the skin. They especially look so vibrant and bright after 24-48 hours. 

Water Resistant 

These tattoos are designed to withstand exposure to water. This means you don’t need to worry about exposing them to water, as their water-resistant properties ensure their protection.

How To Make Inkbox Tattoo Last Longer?

Pre-Care Tips 

Clean And Dry Skin: Before applying a design to the skin, it is essential to thoroughly clean and dry it. Cleaning the skin effectively removes dirt, oil, and other substances that could otherwise form a barrier between the tattoo ink and your skin.

As a result, this can prevent the ink from adhering properly to the skin, potentially leading to a shorter lifespan for the tattoo. To ensure the longevity of a tattoo, it’s crucial to thoroughly clean your skin using good-quality soap and allow it to dry completely.

Exfoliate Your Skin Properly: Exfoliation process involves the removal of dead skin cells. Typically, our skin consists of multiple layers of skin cells, and over time, these cells die and accumulate on the outermost layer of the skin.

However, if you apply a tattoo design directly to the skin without removing these dead cells, they will obstruct the ink from reaching the living cells beneath. In simpler terms, the ink won’t penetrate the skin deeply, and as a result, it will fade or disappear quickly.

Shave The Skin Well: Shaving the skin before applying a fake design is highly recommended to make temporary tattoos last longer. This process ensures that the skin is free of hair and clean. Consequently, semi tattoos can make direct contact with the skin without any interference from hair. Additionally, it enhances the design’s ability to adhere properly to the skin.

Choose The Right Location For Your Tattoo: How long does inkbox last largely depends on their placement on the body. For instance, ink design tends to fade more rapidly in certain areas compared to others. Typically, tattoos begin to fade more quickly in areas of the body with greater movement and friction. 

Therefore, if you want your inkbox body artwork to last longer, ensure that you choose right location to apply fake ink designs on the appropriate body parts, such as the back, upper arm, forearm, and thigh.

Aftercare Tips To Make Inbox Tattoo Last Longer

After applying your desired inbox design, you should now follow some tattoo aftercare tips to ensure it lasts longer.

Allow Proper Time To Dry Ink Completely: After applying the inbox design, allow some time for the ink to dry completely before proceeding with anything else. This step is crucial to ensure that the ink adheres well to your skin. Additionally, avoid rubbing or scratching the design during this period, and consider wearing loose-fitting clothing to minimize contact with your clothes.

Use Baby Product To Make Ink Last Longer: Baby products are often recommended to help preserve the vibrancy and longevity of temporary tattoos. After applying a semi-permanent image to your skin, you can seal it with baby powder. To achieve this, fill your palm with powder and thoroughly coat the entire fake design. This will help absorb excess oil and moisture, ultimately ensuring the ink design lasts longer.

Use Hairspray: Hairspray is a common product in women’s makeup accessories. Did you know that this item can also be used to make temporary tattoos last longer? Instead of using baby powder, you can actually use hairspray, which works in a similar way. After applying the tattoo, allow it to fully dry. However, be sure to spray the hairspray from a distance of approximately 12 inches away from the design.

Wrap Fake Tattoo  With Liquid Band-Aid: Liquid Band-Aid can be used to seal the tattoo to make it waterproof. Once your ink design has dried, apply a thin layer of Liquid Band-Aid. This will aid your tattoo in withstanding water and friction.

Avoid These Things To Make Inbox Tattoo Last Longer

To ensure the longevity of your design, it’s important to follow both pre and post-care tips. Additionally, there are certain things you should avoid.

Avoid Applying Lotion Or Sunscreen: Although using tattoo lotion and Sunscreen is essential for permanent tattoo aftercare, the situation differs when it comes to temporary fake designs. Inkbox body artwork is like paper ink, and applying tattoo sunscreen or lotion over them can lead to smudging, fading, or a quicker removal.

Avoid Rubbing Or Scratching Your Fake Design: As it makes sense, rubbing or scratching will damage the design’s appearance. Therefore, to preserve the beauty of the design for an extended period, it’s best to avoid doing so.


How can I make my Inkbox tattoo last longer?

Follow proper pre and post-care tips to keep your tattoos vibrant for a longer period. For instance, start by selecting the right placement and ensuring your skin is clean and thoroughly dry. Next, allow the design to dry completely, and afterward, seal it with either baby powder or hairspray, as these products help absorb excess oil.

Do Inkbox tattoos hurt?

No, inbox tattoos don’t hurt; they’re painless and easy to apply. In fact, unlike temporary tattoos, they don’t cause any discomfort.


Inkbox tattoos are at the top of the list when it comes to the best long-lasting temporary designs. And when it comes to how long does an inkbox tattoo last, they usually last between 1 to 2 weeks. However, with proper care, they can endure for up to 4 weeks. To ensure their vibrant appearance for an extended period, it is essential to adhere to proper pre-care and aftercare instructions.

Evelyn Grace

Evelyn Grace

Evelyn Grace ✍️ Tattoo artist & writer @ Specializes in black & grey tattoos. Creates timeless designs with clients to craft meaningful pieces. Ask me anything!

Evelyn Grace

Evelyn Grace

Evelyn Grace ✍️ Tattoo artist & writer @ Specializes in black & grey tattoos. Creates timeless designs with clients to craft meaningful pieces. Ask me anything!