How Long Do Lip Tattoos Last

How Long Do Lip Tattoos Last?

Lip tattoos are typically done on the inside or outside of the lips. They can enhance the appearance of your lips without the need for makeup. However, unlike tattoos on other parts of the body, lip tattoos are not permanent. They fade over time, typically lasting between one and five years.

Key takeaways:

  • Lip tattoos are not permanent like having tattoos on other parts of the body.
  • Lip tattoos typically last 1-5 years.
  • Proper aftercare and avoiding spicy foods can help extend their lifespan.

Tattooing Process for Lips

Lip tattooing is more complex than tattooing other parts of the body due to the delicate skin on the lips. It is done with a small tattoo gun or tattoo pen that injects ink into the upper layers of the skin. The process can take 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the design and size. After getting the tattoo, there may be slight swelling or pain, but this typically subsides within a day or two if proper aftercare is followed.

How Long Do Lip Tattoos Last? Detail Answer

The longevity of an inner or outer lip tattoo depends on several factors, including location, constant exposure to moisture, the type and quality of ink used, the depth of ink application, and the aftercare it receives. There are also some other factors like the individual’s healing process,  quick regeneration of oral cells, and the tattoo artist’s technique.

 In most cases, tattoos in areas with constant exposure to moisture last less than ink designs on other parts of the body. For example, tattoos on the chest, legs, and arms tend to endure longer. However, when it comes to tattoos on the lips, they don’t last as long.

 In most cases, the average lifespan of a lip tattoo is generally one to five years. And pigment on the lip starts fading and will eventually completely disappear over this period. After five years, you’ll notice that inner lip tattoos fade either completely or lose their vibrancy and appearance. However, some even have their inner tattoos in good condition after 5 years.  

For example, I talked to Jane Smith, a freelance photographer, and asked her to share her experience with her inner lip tattoo. She explained, “It has been seven years since I got my inner lip tattoo, and now the tattoo has faded very little over the years but still looks vibrant and good in appearance.”

Lip Tattoos

Longevity Variations by Skin Tone

Skin tone plays a key role in how long inner lip tattoos last. Darker skin tones may experience faster tattoo fading as the ink can blend more with the natural pigment of the lips. On the other hand, lighter skin tones tend to retain lip tattoos longer because the ink shows up more vividly.

 The contrast between the ink and skin allows the design to maintain its color and sharpness for a longer period. However, factors like sun exposure, skincare habits, and the body’s natural regeneration process can speed up the fading process.

Why Are Lip Tattoos Not Permanent?

It’s a common misconception that all types of tattoo designs are always permanent, but tattoos on Lips are more like temporary tattoos.  Inner lip ink design usually only last a few years, and during this time, tattoo begin to fade and eventually fade completely.

There are various reasons why they don’t last longer, such as location, more moisture in this area, and rapid regeneration of oral cells. Additionally, other factors also contribute to their short longevity, such as rapid cell turnover, lip movement, poor-quality tattoo ink used, and the depth of the tattoo. However, with proper aftercare of the tattoo, you can make lip tattoos longer than this duration.

Pain Level and Healing Timeline

Lip tattoos are generally more painful than tattoos on other body parts due to the thin skin and sensitivity of the lips. Most people describe the pain as a stinging or sharp sensation. The healing process typically takes around 7-10 days, with flaking or peeling occurring in the first few days. However, full healing can take up to a month, depending on aftercare.

Lip Blush vs. Inner Lip Tattoos

Lip blush tattoos are cosmetic and focus on enhancing the color and shape of the lips. They are typically more subtle and last longer than inner lip tattoos, which are hidden and tend to fade faster due to constant moisture and cell regeneration in the mouth.

Risks and Complications

There are multiple risks and complications with lip tattoos, such as infection, allergic reactions, or scarring. However, these complications can be avoided by choosing a reputable tattoo artist and carefully following proper aftercare instructions. This includes keeping the area clean, avoiding spicy or acidic foods, and staying out of the sun during the healing phase.

The Factors That Affect the Average Lifespan Lips Tattoos:

Here are few factors that you need to consider before getting tattoo on lip.

Location Of The Tattoo

Lip tattooing can be done either inside or outside the mouth. Inner lip tattoos are generally preferred over outer ones. The pigment on the outer part of the mouth usually fades faster. The outermost area experiences more sun exposure, dryness, rubbing, and scratching. In comparison, the inner side tattoo is protected from such harmful conditions.  So yes, tattooing location is an essential factor that describes how long a lip tattoo lasts.

The Moist And Acidic Environment Of The Mouth

The inside of the mouth is highly moist due to saliva formation. Excess moisture causes tattoo ink to not adhere well to the skin. Since this body art is usually done on the inner side of the mouth, it will experience more moisture and will not heal properly. In addition to moisture, the acidic mouth’s environment also affects the lifespan of lip tattoos. The saliva is slightly acidic; continuous ink exposure to this saliva causes the pigment to break down. And this breakdown of pigment causes lip tattoos to fade quickly.

Quick Regeneration Of Oral Cells

Another factor that determines how long these tattoos last is the rate of regeneration of oral cells. The mouth’s inside area is made from special mucosal cells that can regenerate faster. These cells’ ability to regenerate faster helps in faster wound healing. However, their faster regeneration also causes the formation of a layer of cells over the pigment, which causes the tattoo to fade early.

Ink Depth 

The quality of ink and its ability to penetrate the skin are important factors that can affect the longevity of a tattoo. When the ink is inserted deeply into the skin, the tattoo is more likely to last longer. In addition to ink depth, the tattoo artist’s skill is also crucial. 

For example, working on the inner mouth area can be tricky due to the skin’s sensitivity. If you get an ink design from a beginner artist, your ink design is more likely to fade. Therefore, it’s important always to choose a professional tattoo artist.

getting lip tattoos

Aftercare Tips To Make Lip Blush Last Longer

It is crucial to give essential aftercare to mouth tattoos so that they can remain vivid for a long time. Aftercare for tattoos starts when you get it. You cannot stop fading completely, but you can follow some essential tips below to keep your art vibrant for a long time.

Keep A Lip Tattoo Dry

The main thing you must do for three to four days is keep your tattoo dry for a maximum of the time. Also, minimizing the contact of your teeth with the tattooing areas is essential to keep them dry. You can use a paper towel for this purpose. Fold a paper towel and cover your tattooed area with it. Repeat the same procedure at night to keep the ink design dry. Also, don’t drink water or any other liquid directly from a glass. Instead, use a straw until the wound completely heals.

Keep The Tattoo Moisturized

Keeping a new tattoo moisturized also contributes to its longevity. Moisturizing helps heal the wound and reduce scab formation. Therefore, it is suggested that you keep your ink design moisturized for almost one week. Apply some moisturizer to the body art for effective healing. You can also use quality after care lotion to prevent your tattoo from blurring and to make it last longer. 

Avoid Spicy Foods

Many professionals suggest avoiding the consumption of spicy foods during the healing period of your tattoo. This is because these foods can slow the healing process and cause the wound to reopen. Slow healing can result in ink loss, while acidic foods can prevent the pigment from settling correctly, leading to fading. Therefore, it is best to avoid fried, acidic, and spicy foods until your tattoo has fully healed.

Touch Up Your Lip Tattoo

Frequent touchups are essential to keep your tattoo in good condition. Frequent reapplication of ink over the less vivid pigment will make it more vibrant and beautiful. And it also helps to make your body art long-lasting.


Inner lip tattoos are the perfect choice for those who don’t want to show off their tattooing. However, getting a tattoo on a sensitive area, like the inside of the lip, can be painful. In addition to this, you should also consider longevity of lip tattoos before getting them. These lip tattoos are not permanent and usually fade between one and five years. However, they can last longer with frequent touchup and proper care.


How much does a lip tattoo cost?

The highly maintained cosmetic tattoos usually cost around $450-$800, covering the entire outside mouth area. While small lip tattoo usually costs $50.

How to make lip art long-lasting?

Moisturizing the tattoo, preventing infection, avoiding spicy foods, and getting frequent touchups are some ways that can help make your tattoo last longer.

Can I brush my teeth after a lip tattoo?

Yes, you can brush your teeth after getting a lip tattoo. However, it is important to be gentle and avoid scrubbing the tattooed area directly.

Do Lip Tattoos Go Away?

Yes, lip tattoos can fade or go away over time. Inner lip tattoos usually last 1-5 years due to constant moisture, cell turnover, and contact with food and drinks. These tattoos tend to fade faster than tattoos on other parts of the body. However, with frequent touch-ups and maintenance, you can keep their appearance bright and vibrant for a longer time.

Evelyn Grace

Evelyn Grace

Evelyn Grace ✍️ Tattoo artist & writer @ Specializes in black & grey tattoos. Creates timeless designs with clients to craft meaningful pieces. Ask me anything!

Evelyn Grace

Evelyn Grace

Evelyn Grace ✍️ Tattoo artist & writer @ Specializes in black & grey tattoos. Creates timeless designs with clients to craft meaningful pieces. Ask me anything!