Do Tattoo Shops Take Credit Cards

Do Tattoo Shops Take Credit Cards?

After getting a tattoo, the next step is to pay for the tattooing service. The amount of getting a tattoo can vary from a few hundred dollars to several hundred depending on the size of the design, style, complexity, and many other factors.

However, when it comes to payment methods, people prefer to pay either in cash or using credit cards. But what if a client wants to pay with cards instead of cash? This allows customers to conveniently pay for their tattoo services without the hassle of carrying large amounts of money. With just a few clicks, you can easily pay any amount for tattooing services, including a tip for the tattoo artist.

So, Do Tattoo Shops Take Credit Cards?

Many tattoo shops, especially larger chains, accept credit cards. This is common practice in the USA. The tattoo studio where I previously worked, like many others, accepts credit card payments for tattoo services. It’s a secure and professional payment method for both the artist and the client. However, some shops only accept cash payments due to various reasons, such as transaction fees and tax considerations. It’s important to note that tax evasion is illegal and can cause you legal action.

Tip: Always check with the tattoo shop about their payment policy before your appointment. This ensures you have the right payment method available.

Let’s explore this topic a bit further. We’ll examine why some shops might choose not to accept credit cards and explore the advantages of using cash instead. Plus, I’ll share some tips on how to find tattoo shops near you that accept credit cards.

Advantages Of Paying Through Credit Cards

Convenient Way: Paying for tattoo services through credit cards is simpler and more convenient. Instead of taking large amounts of cash with you, credit cards allow for easy payment with a simple swipe. Transaction fees for credit card payments typically range from 1.5% to 3.5%, which can be a significant cost for small tattoo shops. However, the convenience and security benefits outweigh this cost for some customers.

International Transactions: As you know, you can make international payments through a credit card. If you are visiting any country and want a tattoo there, you can conveniently pay using a credit card without needing currency conversion. However, make sure that your CC supports international payment transactions.

Consumer Protection: Many credit card providers offer consumer protection features, including chargeback rights. For example, if you have a dispute or are dissatisfied with a tattooing service, you can ask your credit card company to seek a refund or resolution on your behalf.

More Secure Way: Paying through a credit card is a more secure method for both customers and tattoo shops. This digital transaction is protected by high-standard security protocols, which reduce the risks of theft or fraud compared to paying with cash.

Why Some Don’t Accept Payment Through Credit Card

Many small tattoo shops don’t accept credit card payments for several reasons. Here are a few examples:

Avoid Taxes (Important Disclaimer): It’s important to note that avoiding taxes is an illegal activity. Some people might choose not to accept credit cards to avoid paying taxes. However, the IRS still needs to be able to trace these cash-only payments, or they may choose not to do so due to the small scale of the business. Regardless, engaging in such practices to avoid taxes remains illegal.

Limited Resources: Most small tattoo shops don’t accept credit payments because they need the infrastructure to handle digital transactions. Setting up and maintaining a payment processing system can also incur additional costs.

Transaction Fee Reason: Each time a payment is made through a credit card at certain stores, a transaction fee is deducted by the credit card service provider. Typically, businesses are responsible for covering this charge, which usually amounts to 1.5% to 3.5% per transaction.

How To Find A Shop That Accepts Payment Through Credit Card

There are several ways to find a tattoo studio that accepts card payments. Here are some of the ways to do so:

Online Search: Open any search engine, such as Google, and type keywords like “tattoo shop accepting credit cards” or “credit card-friendly tattoo studios.” Google will display a list of sites that offer this option. Alternatively, you can search for specific locations by typing “tattoo shop + location,” for example, “tattoo shop in Arizona.” Once the Google search engine shows results pages (SERPs), open each site one by one and check their “about us” or “contact us” pages to see their accepted payment methods. If the payment methods are not mentioned, you can also contact them using the provided contact details.

Note: Most tattoo studios have their websites.

Check On Directories: Check online directory websites like Google Maps, Yellow Pages, or Yelp. These directories can help you find tattoo studios in your area and check important information about their accepted payment methods.

Use Social Media Platforms: Most tattoo artists and studios have social media accounts, such as Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. On these platforms, they usually share their business information. However, if you still need help finding contact details on their social media pages, you can directly message them to inquire about their payment policy. Here is a simple sample message that you can use to confirm a credit card payment.

Hello there,

I hope this message finds you well. I am interested in getting a tattoo at your studio. However, before proceeding, I would like to inquire whether you accept credit payments for your tattooing services. I would greatly appreciate receiving this information in advance so that I can come prepared accordingly.

I am looking forward to your response.

Best regards,

Evelyn Grace

Visiting Local Studio: If you still need help finding a shop that accepts credit card payments, visit local tattoo parlors in your area and inquire about their accepted payment methods.


Can you pay credit for the tattoo?

Yes, many tattoo parlors accept payment through credit cards.

How much should you tip a tattoo artist?

You can tip the tattoo artist any amount; however, it is generally recommended that you tip 15% of the total cost of getting a tattoo. For example, if a tattoo costs $1000, a $150 tip would be good.


If you want to pay for the tattoo service using a credit card, you must confirm whether the studio accepts credit card payments. Most tattoo shops in the USA accept credit card payments. However, some, especially smaller shops, still need to provide this option.

Evelyn Grace

Evelyn Grace

Evelyn Grace ✍️ Tattoo artist & writer @ Specializes in black & grey tattoos. Creates timeless designs with clients to craft meaningful pieces. Ask me anything!

Evelyn Grace

Evelyn Grace

Evelyn Grace ✍️ Tattoo artist & writer @ Specializes in black & grey tattoos. Creates timeless designs with clients to craft meaningful pieces. Ask me anything!