Becoming A Tattoo Artist At 40

Becoming A Tattoo Artist At 40

Becoming a tattoo artist at 40 seems too late, but it’s never too late to start your career as an artist. However, when the tattoo industry is quite challenging, can you become an artist at the age of 40?

Yes, you can become a tattoo artist at any age if you’re a creative person. In fact, age is not a barrier to starting your career in the tattoo industry. Even many popular artists start their tattooing journey later in life.

To become a tattoo artist, you need to have technical skills, relevant knowledge, and follow the right direction. Besides this, you have to put a lot of effort into learning the necessary skills and spend time practicing the artwork.

But at the same time, you’ll face some challenges like age discrimination, physical stamina, financial issues, and skill development.

Key points to highlight:

  • Yes, becoming a tattoo artist at 40 is completely possible.
  • You need to put your effort into learning and practicing technical and drawing skills. 
  • You’ll face some challenges like skill development and physical stamina. 

Becoming A Tattoo Artist At 40 Age Step By Step Guide

Tattoo is demanding and versatile artwork that requires different techniques and styles to get a perfect design. For example, traditional style tattoo design needs bold lines, bold colors, iconic imagery, simplicity, and black and gray shading. At the same time, modern tattoos require the skill of personalized customization, a wide range of color palettes, different styles, and trends.  

Besides tattoo design skills, you also need to learn how to set up and use different types of tattoo machines. While professional and legal certification is also required to become a tattoo artist at 40. Let’s understand all the things in detail that are needed to start your career. 

Passion And Dedication

Before starting your career in the tattooing industry, you need to ask yourself, “Do you really have passion and interest?” If you are truly passionate about tattoo artwork, it will lead you to success, regardless of your age. However, without dedication, creativity, and a love for the work, don’t expect to become a successful tattoo artist.

Learn The Basics Of Tattooing Artwork

Tattooing is not limited to only a few designs. In fact, it’s a versatile art form that requires various designs, patterns, and styles to complete the process. To create different styles of tattoo designs, you need to learn and practice various techniques, including color packing, shading, lining, and even permanent makeup.

Thanks to fake tattooing skins, you can practice and learn all these skills at home. However, if you’re unfamiliar with these techniques, you can either take online courses or attend physical classes. Once you’ve acquired these artistic skills, you can begin practicing various tattoo designs on practice skins to master your skills.

Become Versatile Artist To Use Any Tattoo Machine

Tattoo machines are essential tools used by tattoo artists. They help create a wide range of tattoo designs. When it comes to tattooing machines, they are available in different models, including coil and rotary. Coil tattoo machines are the classic type of tool used to create bold and larger designs.

On the other hand, rotary tattoo machines are relatively beginner-friendly, lightweight, and versatile. Moreover, wireless tattoo machines are becoming popular among artists. Therefore, it’s necessary to have a good understanding and a solid practicing grip on these machines.

Regarding machines, you also need to understand needle configurations, speeds, and settings. If you need the best tattoo machine for beginners, you can check out relevant guide. However, if you’re on a tight budget, you can check out list of affordable tattoo machines.

Build A Portfolio

A portfolio is important for building trust and credibility. It helps showcase your skills, style, and creativity. Additionally, a portfolio serves as a record of an artist’s progress and everything related to their artwork. So, once you get experience, start building a portfolio. Also, regularly share your tattooing work on social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, and Pinterest. This will help you get more clients and customers.

Get Professional Certification In Certification In Bloodborne Pathogens

Many jurisdictions and health authorities require the completion of Bloodborne Pathogens training. This training covers essential information, such as how to prevent the spread of bloodborne diseases and maintain health-related safety. 

Since tattooing involves the injection of tattoo needles into the bloodstream, it is necessary to have practical knowledge about creating a safe and hygienic tattooing environment to prevent blood infections. You can easily get this certification by taking an online course, which costs only around $35.

Get Legal Permission

To start your tattoo shop, you need to have a jurisdiction license to legally practice tattooing. However, licensing requirements can be different from location to location. For more details or specific requirements, you can consult with your local health provider. 

Start Marketing Yourself 

If you believe that you’re ready for professional tattooing work, it’s time to market yourself and build your network. There are several ways to do this. For example, share high-quality pictures of your artwork on social media sites and your website. 

Also, engage with your followers by answering their comments and queries. Moreover, offer special discounts and promotions to attract more clients. Remember, strong branding is essential for your ultimate success.


Is 40 too old to start tattooing?

There is no age limitation to start tattooing; you can become a tattoo artist whether you’re 20 or 40. You need to follow the right direction. If you want to become an artist at 40, first make sure you’re truly passionate about it and then put in your time and effort to learn and practice. 

Is becoming a tattoo artist worth it?

Starting a career as a tattoo artist is quite worthwhile. There are lots of benefits in this career, such as good earning potential, the chance to travel to different places, and also great opportunities to meet new people.

Is 42 too old for a tattoo?

No, 42 is not too late to start your career as a tattoo artist. It doesn’t matter whether you’re 30, 40, 42, or 50 years old; don’t hesitate to start tattooing. Tattoo art is a challenging skill to master.

You will have to learn many things, such as different tattooing techniques, mastering tattoo equipment, and building a strong portfolio. In addition to this, you will also need to learn about safety and hygiene practices. This means you will likely spend a significant amount of time, 2 to 3 years.

What skills do you need for a tattoo artist?

You have to learn different tattooing techniques like packing, shading, lining, and color theory. Moreover, you need to focus on creativity because tattooing is not limited to just a few designs; each client comes with unique design ideas. Most importantly, having the skill to handle a tattoo machine is a must.

What can I Practice tattooing on?

Tattooing on the skin is the best way to practice and refine your artwork skills. These fake skins are made with good quality materials, which feel like natural skin. They allow you to draw or design anything. This means that these skins are a good way to learn different styles and tattooing techniques.


Becoming a tattoo artist at 40 is absolutely possible. With the right direction, age should not be an issue in your tattooing journey. Just focus on your goals and start practicing tattoo artwork.

Evelyn Grace

Evelyn Grace

Evelyn Grace ✍️ Tattoo artist & writer @ Specializes in black & grey tattoos. Creates timeless designs with clients to craft meaningful pieces. Ask me anything!

Evelyn Grace

Evelyn Grace

Evelyn Grace ✍️ Tattoo artist & writer @ Specializes in black & grey tattoos. Creates timeless designs with clients to craft meaningful pieces. Ask me anything!